Centrum Zdrowia Bona,
ul. Szczecińska 23/25, 80-392 Gdańsk

Comprehensive and professional rehabilitation

About me

Master of Physiotherapy, Professional License Number PWZF: 59066.
Graduate of the Medical University of Gdansk. I have 10 years of experience in the field of physiotherapy. I am a Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (Kaltenborn & Evjenth Concept - KEOMT), which is the primary method I use in my practice. I also hold an International Vestibular Rehabilitation Certificate (balance disorders) obtained from "The American Institute of Balance." I will help you quickly diagnose the problem, reduce pain, and avoid unnecessary consultations with other specialists.
I started my physiotherapy journey to help people, and over time, work has become my greatest passion. Make an appointment, and together we will find a solution to your problems.

Favorite quote

"Feeling pain is the sum of more than just physical injuries – it is the result of information about it, filtered through a person's character, genes, gender, beliefs, expectations, motivation, and emotional context."

[Lalkhen, (2021). Ból. Mózg, opioidy i zagadki medycyny. Kraków: Znak literanova]

First visit

How to Prepare?

Before the Visit:

  • Appointments with the physiotherapist are by prior arrangement only
  • Before the meeting, it is advisable to take a shower and maintain hygiene, especially in the area to be treated, such as the armpit or foot.
    We will both feel more comfortable 🙂
  • Wear clothing that does not restrict movement and allows easy access to the area being examined or treated
  • Please avoid consuming large meals just before the visit
  • It is a good idea to use the restroom before entering the office
  • Upon arrival, please take a seat in the waiting room and wait to be called. There may be another patient inside
  • If you have had any important additional tests/examinations in the past: X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, CT scan, meaningful blood tests - please bring the results with you

During the Visit:

  • During the first visit, an interview and examination will be conducted to create a patient card and medical documentation in accordance with current guidelines
  • Detailed examination – establishing a preliminary diagnosis
  • Trial treatment – after establishing the preliminary diagnosis, we use a technique to improve the patient's condition
  • Re-examination – re-test – we determine if the applied treatment technique is effective. If so, the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed, and further treatment techniques are selected
  • We establish a treatment plan with the patient, which will usually require specific preventive actions and exercises to maintain the effect of the therapy

My methods

Orthopedic Manual Therapy (OMT)

Orthopedic Manual Therapy involves both the examination and treatment of various tissues of the musculoskeletal system using manual techniques. The word "manual" comes from the Latin word "manus," meaning hand. Thus, manual therapy is essentially hands-on therapy.

The Kaltenborn-Evjenth Concept is a leading global system of healthcare concerning the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems. KEOMT is a specialization within orthopedic manual therapy, based on a comprehensive biomechanical assessment of the neuro-musculoskeletal system and its physical capabilities.

To put it more simply, we can examine nearly every joint and muscle in the human body. We have techniques that safely, precisely, and painlessly restore the proper mobility of nerves, muscles, and joints.

Manual therapy helps with various conditions, including: sciatica, brachial neuralgia, radiculitis (nerve root inflammation), discopathy, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder syndrome, tension headaches and neck pain, knee pain, heel spurs, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, injuries (sprains/dislocations/fractures) of joints and bones, e.g., ankle sprain, post-surgical conditions, e.g., arthroscopy, ACL reconstruction, hip replacement, knee replacement, limb amputations, metal bone fixations, and many others 🙂

Functional Training (Exercises)

Exercises are essential completion to treatment with Orthopedic Manual Therapy. In my practice, I use the Kinetic Control method, which focuses on the analysis of movement and its function based on the latest scientific evidence (Evidence-Based Medicine, EBM). I identify weak links in the patient's body and prescribe individual exercise programs.

These exercises are used to: improve body awareness, strengthen weak muscles, teach correct movement patterns, maintain the effects of therapy, prevent injuries and correct postural defects. Appropriate exercises can prepare you for safe participation in both amateur and professional sports and can improve your performance!

Do you want to get rid of pain? Learn how to move correctly 🙂

"We fall into the collective illusion that the human body is like a machine that can be repaired with surgical procedures and medications when it breaks down. Pain is a consequence of not taking adequate care of the machine. Unfortunately, instead of recognizing that our approach towards the machine needs to change, we tend to medicalize pain, which often manifests as the excessive use of medications and surgical procedures that do not contribute to the improvement of the machine's functioning and, in fact, can lead to a significant deterioration of the body's condition." Dr Abdul-Ghaaliq Lalkhen
Vestibular Rehabilitation (Treatment of Dizziness and Balance Disorders)

Vestibular rehabilitation, which has a long-standing tradition in treating patients with dizziness and balance disorders, is currently the cornerstone of therapeutic management for conditions such as Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis, vestibular dysfunction, concussion, and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).

It is also an excellent complementary treatment for patients with neurological disorders such as: stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis (MS). This specialized form of kinesiotherapy involves exercises aimed to alleviate symptoms caused by vestibular disorders by enhancing compensation within the central nervous system.

As part of this method, I also perform tests and repositioning maneuvers used in the examination and treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV).

Completed Courses

1. Kaltenborn – Evjenth Concept Manual Therapy Certificate:

Lower Extremity Examination and Treatment - UEX

Upper Extremity Examination and Treatment - OEX

Pelvic and Lower Spine Examination and Treatment - UWS

Upper Spine Examination and Treatment - OWS

Advanced Lower Extremity Examination and Treatment - AEX1

Advanced Upper Extremity Examination and Treatment - AEX2

Advanced Lower Spine Examination and Treatment - AWS1

Advanced Upper Spine Examination and Treatment - AWS2

2. Extended Training in OMT according to Kaltenborn – Evjenth Manual Therapy Standards:

Clinical Course 1 – Upper Spine "CLINICAL PRACTICE WITH PATIENTS"

Clinical Course 2 – Lower Spine "CLINICAL PRACTICE WITH PATIENTS"

Clinical Supervision Passive – passive assistance to the instructor (Mirosław Dębski)

Clinical Supervision Active – working with patients under instructor supervision (Mirosław Dębski)

3. International Vestibular Rehabilitation Certificate

4. Kinetic Control (The Movement Solution)

5. Clinical Deep Tissue Massage

6. Anatomy Trains in Structure and Function

7. Trigger Point Therapy

8. Rehabilitation Taping

9. Ultrasound in Physiotherapy Practice


Office Bartosz Łomowski – Fizjoterapia is located within the Centrum Zdrowia Bona eng. Bona Health Center at st. Szczeciska 23, 80-392 Gdansk, office number 4.

There are many doctors/specialists in our health center, so please call the office number 4 using the intercom system. 

Upon entering the building, turn left and proceed to the waiting area.



underneath "OBI" store on Kolobrzeska street (take a ticket),
on Szczecinska street, free parking from 3:00 PM,
directly under the health center (you need to obtain an identifier from me after arrival)


stop: Szczecinska (right next to the center) - lines: 199, 149, 249

stop: Kolobrzeska (10-minute walk) - lines: 2, 8, 12
stop: Bazynskiego (15-minute walk) - lines: 2, 5, 6, 8, 12


Facing the "SAMI SWOI" restaurant on Kolobrzeska street, turn right and walk along the building to its end.

The Bona Health Center is located in the rear-right corner of the complex.